Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finally...I enjoy it!!!

Hey fellow bloggers!!!

I've been slacking on my posts lately...SORRY!! My latest read is No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, and I love it! This book is just so interesting. From the very first the author pulls you in with suspense, confusion, and  most of all action. Unlike most really great books, No Country for Old Men does not take awhile to get into. If you aren't hooked after ten pages, then I'm afraid you never will be. Although the plot of this story starts off with a drug deal gone bad, I feel like it is also very relate-able to most readers, even though most of us don't live such hah! The story centers around one character, Moss, and how he mistakenly came upon this drug deal that kicked the bucket. After finding guns, drugs, many dead bodies, and most of all money...a lot of money, Moss goes on the run because he knows that someone will soon come looking for the money. He ends up in a trashy cheap motel alone after sending his wife away to live with her sister. And then....well I've slacked on my reading this week while I have been super busy so that's all I've got to say on that for now...SORRY. I still have a lot left to read so please stay tuned for more!!

-RocketGuild OUT

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