Friday, September 23, 2011

September's Best

My favorite sentences this month:

"Looking back doesn't it sometimes feel like our richest times come right in the midst of our hardest?"
--To Save A Life
"It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people can't be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it."
--No Country for Old Men
"The say the eyes are windows to the soul."
  -No Country For Old Men
"He loves funny...because funny makes you live through pain."
--The Simpsons Uncensored Unauthorized History

"My name is Tommy and I'm an alcoholic."
  -I Found This Funny

Pretty good month for sentences. Some funny...some quite thought provoking....some weird...all GREAT!!

-RocketGuild OUT

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Creative Claims!!!

The award for best claim goes to.....My Everday Sticky Waffle. The uniquely precise adjectives used to describe the dance, and thoughtful inferneces made were great! Click the link above to check it out!!

Claim from My Everyday Sticky Waffle:
 "In this contemporary dance, choreographed by Mia Michaels, the varied confusion of the movement, pain and romance shown through the emotion, the regret expressed through the dull costume choice, and the dominating and agressive use of space create a sense of lighthearted passion between the two dancers."

Claim from Case1:
"[In this scene from Nick Cannons film Drumline, the aggressive and alert style, quick, narrow movement, and percussive, thundering rhythm] expresses[an alive sense of energetic celebration and modest jubilation]"

Claim from The New Zealander:
"On the album cover of Titus Andronicus's "The Airing of Grievances," the commanding, classic font and layout of the cover, as well as the cluttered and colorful use of space in the photograph convey the band's homely practice environment and admiration for the old-fashioned symbols of history. "

Claim from Becca's Blog:
"In this scene from Its Always Fair Weather, Gene Kelly's graceful skating, hopeful facial expression, and sharp, exciting tap dancing create a sense of blissful enthusiasm."

-RocketGuild OUT

Monday, September 19, 2011

Don't Worry Be Happy- Bobby McFerrin


  • smooth
  • well-fitting
  • calming
  • cheerful
  • complimentary
  • content
  • friendly
  • soothing


  • percussive
  • rejuvenated
  • light


  • sincere
  • optimistic
  • gentle
  • hopeful
  • consoling


  • relaxed
  • pleasant
  • jubilant
  • playful
  • animated      


  • cheerfulness
  • hopefulness
  • relaxation
  • playfulness
  • rejuvenation
  • friendliness

The soothing, cheerful melodies and harmonies, light vocal instrumentation, and playful, relaxed rhythms in McFerrin's song, depicts a mood of lighthearted cheerfulness and soothing rejuvenation.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Material this week:

No Country for Old Men
--Cormac McCarthy

To Save A Life
--Jim and Rachel Britts

Pages this week- 152
Pages this semester- 667

Sentences of the week:

"I don't know that law enforcement benefits all that much from new technology, tools that comes into our hands comes into theirs too."
--No Country for Old Men

"It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people can't be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it."
--No Country for Old Men

"Looking back doesn't it sometimes feel like our richest times come right in the midst of our hardest?"
--To Save A Life

What do ya think of these? Pretty thought provoking huh? Now one may not agree with any of these thoughts but they definitely make you think. I like all of these sentences because the each have a different way of making you look at something in a new perspective. Favorite...well that's a tough one this week...But I'll go with number three! Life most definitely is filled with struggles, but if you truly reflect on those struggles you may find some of our best moments came during or from those struggles. This sentence is a good summary of the entire book, To Save A Life. It's a MUST READ!

-RocketGuild OUT

Thursday, September 15, 2011

One of Those Days

Today I didn't really feel like I picked up a book I have been in the process of reading for awhile now. The book is called How to Save a Life. It is a very interesting and inspiring. The plot is based around one central character, Jake, who is the stereotypical popular kid at his high school. Jake is the captain of the basketball team. He has all of the girls' attention, and is the leader of the cool crowd. Jake has everything a senior in high school could want. Oh yeah, he also has a full ride scholarship to play basketball at his favorite school, Louisville. However, things can't be completely perfect right? Everyone has skeletons in their closest right? Well as for Jake, his skeleton was all too real. Jake had been best friends with Roger every since kindergarten. Jake and Roger did everything together as kids. One day when they were throwing a football around in the street something happened that changed everything. A speeding car was coming down the road and Jake did not see the car and dashed out into the street to retrieve the football. Without thinking, Roger quickly reacted and went to save his friend. Roger pulled Jake out of the way of the car, but in the process Roger was hit by the car. The accident left Roger with a limp that would remain with him for the rest of his life...and it only goes downhill from there....
Stay up to date with my blog as I will continue posting about both of my current reads!

-RocketGuild OUT

Finally...I enjoy it!!!

Hey fellow bloggers!!!

I've been slacking on my posts lately...SORRY!! My latest read is No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, and I love it! This book is just so interesting. From the very first the author pulls you in with suspense, confusion, and  most of all action. Unlike most really great books, No Country for Old Men does not take awhile to get into. If you aren't hooked after ten pages, then I'm afraid you never will be. Although the plot of this story starts off with a drug deal gone bad, I feel like it is also very relate-able to most readers, even though most of us don't live such hah! The story centers around one character, Moss, and how he mistakenly came upon this drug deal that kicked the bucket. After finding guns, drugs, many dead bodies, and most of all money...a lot of money, Moss goes on the run because he knows that someone will soon come looking for the money. He ends up in a trashy cheap motel alone after sending his wife away to live with her sister. And then....well I've slacked on my reading this week while I have been super busy so that's all I've got to say on that for now...SORRY. I still have a lot left to read so please stay tuned for more!!

-RocketGuild OUT

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Books I read this week:
I Found This Funny- Judd Apatow

No Country For Old Men- Cormac McCarthy

Pages read this week- 162
Pages read this semester- 515

Sentences this week:

"The say the eyes are windows to the soul."
  -No Country For Old Men

"I just didn't want you to get blood on the car."
  -No Country For Old Men

"Here the other day they was a woman put her baby in a trash compactor."
  -No Country For Old Men

Intersting mix of sentences this week huh? lol well each of them found it's place in the top 3 for a different reason.
1. How insightful and provocative
2. Absolutely hilarious in context!
3. extremely messed up but...also a bit funny..yah? [i'm a horrible person...i know]

-RocketGuild OUT

ShOw Me ThE $$$

Read a few more short stories from I Found This Funny and I did indeed find a few of them funny. By far the most hilarious was a collection of illustrations. This entry was a bit vulgar, however, we can all agree that vulgarity makes everything all the more hilarious! I eventually got bored of reading short stories and decided to start reading something new. I browsed the library for a bit and eventually decided to go with a book that was recommended as a must read in class. Yesterday I started reading No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. Haven't gotten far into the book yet, but I can already tell it is going to be a very interesting book. So far a man, Lleweyln Moss, found a drug deal gone bad that ended with three dead bodies and a truck load of illicit drugs left in the middle of the desert. Moss found a few guns at the scene of the murder and took them with him for extra protection. Moss assumed someone had to get away from the scene alive so he follows a blood trail until he finds high ground that will give him leverage. While on higher ground Moss  spots a blue object far in the distance and decides to investigate. He finds yet another dead body and accompanying the body is a briefcase...a briefcase containing 2.4 MILLION dollars. Moss takes the guns and the money home and hides it under his bed while, for the most part, keeping his wife in the dark about the whole situation. And all of that happened in just 20 pages or so! Can't wait to continue reading...only if I had the time to sit down and read...but I guarantee you will be reading more about this book in the coming week or so! Happy Reading everyone!

-RocketGuild OUT

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Seeking Sunshine

During dinner tonight I brought up the topic of poetry, and to my surprise I found out my dad has written a poem. My dad wrote the poem when he was working to stop domestic violence and abuse against women.

                                                                        Seeking Sunshine
Darkness, it enveloped her world~ ~ Her soul, Her whole being~ ~ Smothering her with relentless force.

She longed for the sunshine, the kiss of the summer breeze~ ~ She sought love, respect, and most of all peace.

Help me, her eyes pleaded with mine~ ~ Calling me to action~ ~ To help break the cycle~ ~ To end the darkness of abuse.

                                                                                               -Jeffrey Gulley

Excellent poetry dad!

Friday..a little late..sorry

Okay I finally JUST took the personality test. Turns I am a ESFJ, aks a "provider". After reading about what the title "provider" entails, I would have to say that it is rather accurate. I am a very sociable person and I enjoy meeting new people. I also like to assist people and lend a hand whenever possible. The personality description said that a "provider" makes a good party host or master of ceremonies. I think these jobs would be quite exciting and I would like to try them out! I believe I make a good leader and I'm very comfortable with public speaking. Although the personality test was a bit dull it matched my personality type perfectly!!!

-RocketGuild OUT

Friday, September 2, 2011

Almost Free

This week I've concentrated on just on book.
I Found This Funny; My Favorite Pieces of Humor and Some That may not be Funny at All

Pages this week- 180
Pages this semester- 353

This week's top sentences:

"My name is Tommy and I'm an alcoholic."
  -I Found This Funny

"Mommy help I'd rather watch."
  -I Found This Funny

"If only one-third of your clothes are mistakes, you're ahead of the game."
  -I Found This Funny

While I found quite a few of the short stories rather boring this week, they did include some rather hilarious sentences. Now if you want to know the context of the sentences, you'll have to read the book yourself. If you're looking for a sweet funny gimmick book to read aloud to your little sibling, avoid this one. ADULT CONTENT ADVISORY. But it can be very funny!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not much better

In my last post I failed to mention that the subtitle of my new book is, "my favorite pieces of humor and some that may not be funny at all." Well the latter part I believe...A few of the stories have been rather entertaining, but nothing has been extremely hilarious. Also a good deal of the stories lacked humor all together. While the stories all contain an interesting plot, I just haven't found the humor in them. I'm looking for the most hilarious humor filled book there is. I want to be laughing cover to cover. Any suggestions??